nyk0-nomikon - The Johnny.decimal folder structure system

The Johnny.decimal folder structure system

Almost a month ago, I was looking for systems to organize my folder structure. I have done this a couple of times over the years (I’m hard to please for no reason at all) but this was the first time I found johnny.decimal.
It is a really clever system which is based on numbering a specific number of folders for your needs. It needs a bit of forward thinking to set it up but I think it can shine on specific setups. I think the use of a file explorer is essential for this system since you can see all your files nice and tidy.

I did not settle with johnnydecimal after all, because I like really small folder names. Also, the numbering scheme made me trying to organize things outside of the filesystem’s scope leading me to confusion, but that’s just me.

It is a really well thought system and I believe it’s worth spreading.