About me
Nyk0 is an experimenting cybernaut!
nyko, druqbar, kyr0ss, nicksiv
About me
I’ve been trying to talk to computers since I was a kid. Mostly
failing to do so.
Now after my workday, I’m a recreational programmer and I spend a
lot of time tinkering with my computers, mostly learning.
I support online freedom, privacy rights and free software.
I like sustainable and analog technologies, I enjoy great music
films, writing and reading physical books.
I try to take things slow and make things everyday, either
code, text or
This website
This website has been through lots of rebuilds using numerous
software combinations.
It is now generated just from plain HTML files, and a small and
python script. Needless to say it is still under development.
No scripts or tracking are used in this website.
I use a Thinkpad T420 w/ 8GB RAM running Manjaro XFCE.
My wallpapers come from nordic repo
I edit text in emacs and sometimes in vim.
I browse the web with Firefox-esr.
I listen to music with mpv and cmus.
I also use some other great software like cwm, tmux, nextcloud, keepassXC and newsboat
I'm also a sucker for systems like arch, openBSD and plan9 which I might dive into when I grow up!
an art project of the blogs era, now archivedJello dashboard
an Outlook GTD homepage
You can always contact me via my nicksiv (at) disroot
(dot) org