
Emacs google calendar

Due to lack of easy solutions to view my google calendar without having to open my browser, I have emacs downloading my calendar as ics.

I use my private address and make a diary out of it. Then it shows up in my agenda.

Of course I cannot create new entries, but it suits me fine.

To update the calendar I run the function nyko/getcals

  (setq diaryDir "~/Documents/diary/")
  (setq diary-file (concat diaryDir "nyk0"))
  (setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
  (setq org-agenda-insert-diary-extract-time t)
  (add-hook 'diary-list-entries-hook 'diary-sort-entries t)
  (add-hook 'diary-list-entries-hook 'diary-include-other-diary-files)
  (add-hook 'diary-mark-entries-hook 'diary-mark-included-diary-files)
  (setq diary-list-entries-hook '(diary-include-other-diary-files diary-sort-entries))

  ; calendars you want to download
  ; each item links to a remote iCal calendar
  (setq calendars
      ("nyk0" . "private address of galendar file")

  (defun getcal (url file)
  "Download ics file and add it to file"
  (let ((tmpfile (url-file-local-copy url)))
  (icalendar-import-file tmpfile file)
  (kill-buffer (car (last (split-string tmpfile "/"))))))

  (defun nyko/getcals ()
  "Load a set of ICS calendars into Emacs diary files"
  (find-file (concat diaryDir "nyk0"))
  (getcal "private address of google calendar" (concat diaryDir "nyk0"))


In order to import more than one calendars, you need to update each calendar to its own file and create a global diary file listing all the calendars.

Then you just define the global diary file as your default diary with (setq diary-file (concat diaryDir "globalfile"))
